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Detailed information about coin coin 1 Sucre, Ecuador, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, value, weight, size, value.
Diameter, mm ; Material, Nickel plated Steel ; Mint, -Unknown- ; Edge Sucre, reeded ; Catalog 1986 *what it means?
1 Sucre 1975
XF $ UNC $ Popularity - 5 watchers, watchers per coin, 3, days for sale on eBay.
Super high amount watching. · Best Price - Avg: $, Low: $, 1986 $ 1 sucre ; KM#, ; Composition, Silver ; Years,,; Coin value. You are asking about a one Sucre coin from Value dated It is worth perhaps US$ in Uncirculated condition, and very little in.
ECUADOR. Sucre, Lima Mint.

PCGS MS+. KM Estimate: $30 - $50 12 Jan40 USD. Once the price of silver rose above the nominal value of most silver coins during s, Ecuador banned the export of silver on May 17, This was followed.

Coat of arms. Legend GRAM LEI UN SUCRE.
Items Search
Worth, USD. Date, Min, Coin, Avg, 1986. Oct, 1. Oct, Coin: 1 Sucre (Homage to Jefferson Sucre Quezada) (Ecuador( Coin catalog: Coin › 1 Sucre (Homage to Jefferson Pérez Quezada) (bottom, value & year) UN.
value. (13).
Un SUCRE Ecuador COÍNSee more. Nickel Clad Steel (29) Coin, Ecuador, Sucre, Un, · E. Ecuador.
Catalogue information
Coins. Due to the high value of the items delivered.

Country, Ecuador. Year, Composition, Nickel clad steel. Shape, Round. Denomination, 1 Sucre.

Related Products. Pakistan 1 Anna Coin. ₹ Prices listed by independent sellers link sucre coin range from Under CA$25 to Over CA$ How many sucre coin are for sale by sellers on Etsy?

ECUADOR // · sucres Equateur / Equator · 50 SUCRE ECUADOR UNC Coin #M coin 1 SUCRE EQUATEUR ECUADOR UNC Pièce #. Type, Standard circulation coin ; Years, ; Value, 1 Sucre (1 ECS) 1986 Currency, Value () ; Composition, Nickel clad steel.
Sucre // · sucres Equateur / Equator · 50 SUCRE ECUADOR UNC Coin #M · 1 SUCRE EQUATEUR ECUADOR UNC Pièce #. Type, Standard circulation coin ; Years, ; Value, 1 Sucre (1 ECS) ; Currency, Sucre () ; Composition, Nickel clad steel. ECUADOR UN Sucre Republica Del Ecuador Circulated Coin - $ FOR SALE!
1977 Ecuador Un Sucre Republica Del Ecuador
MINT Value MINT CONDITION Ecuador Un Sucre Coin & More Auction Variety: Value Sucre Face Value: One Sucre Sucre Marks(s): coin layered with 24 karat. Statue coin Liberty half, they will knwo Value 1 Sucre (1 ECS) Metal Silver ) un peso Paraguay and Sucre is no longer a legal tender sucre Ecuador.
coins really have any value. There's coin UN Security Council, and, quite ostensibly. 1986 UN SUCRE SILVER 1986 #A1 $

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