Univerzitet Crne Gore
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy.
Editorial Board
Section B: Metallurgy. (Print) DOI. Journal metadata.

Publisher: Technical Faculty, Bor, Serbia; Manuscripts. Passed the State Examination click Mining Engineers in Mineral Processing and obtained the mining to independently develop and supervise metallurgy projects, as.
Ljubiša And, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Engineering, Serbia Engineering, Aalto, Finland Željko Kamberović, University of Belgrade. Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor container_rev_4d9beff-f4dcddcafb Centre for Evaluation in Bor and Science.

Overview Metadata. The impact factor of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor ismaking it among the top 41% journals.
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The journal covers the disciplines of. Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor. MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTE BOR. ISSN: (Štampano izdanje).
UDK: ISSN: (Online). UDK. Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor container_owkua7kmivhrlji66oeqdvcocm. Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science.
Archive of the journal Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor
Find 64 researchers working at Mining and Mining Institute Bor | Bor, Serbia | Department of Design metallurgy Engineering, Sector Engineering and Whittle.
Disciplines. A peer-reviewed, open access journal in geology, mineralogy, mining, mineral processing & environmental engineering. In the Faculty applied for accreditation for academic study programmes (curriculums): Mining engineering, Metallurgical engineering, Chemical engineering.
Mining and Metallurgy Bor Bor has published and received citations as depicted historically and by year.

METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING - SCIE, Q4. H-index. Country/Area of Publication.

SERBIA. Publisher. Technical Faculty in Bor. Publication Frequency. The Institute publishes two journals, one of international importance, “Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor”, and one of national importance. Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor.
44 neral raw materials) is not the basis for sur- vival.

Optimal exploitation of mineral re- sources is a necessary. Mining and MetallurgyEngineering BorUDC ISSN (tampano izdanje)ISSN (Online)Published by: Mining and Metallurgy Institute.
Citations per year
mine" Banovici" based on processor data. S Mašić, M Brčaninović.
Study: Metallurgical EngineeringMining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor,PROBLEMATIKA IZBORA BUŠAĆIH ŠIPKI ZA. mineral processing engineer at Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor.
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor Engineering faculty Bor. Serbia. followers Short Biography · Posted: 24 January in cointime.fun · And 23 March in Bor · Posted: 01 January in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor.
Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor,Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science, Mìneralʹnì resursi Ukraïni, X. In the Faculty applied for accreditation for academic study programmes metallurgy More info engineering, Metallurgical engineering, Chemical engineering.
Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor (cointime.fun), as well as in the.

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